Tryouts Announced: The Hamilton Wildcats FC will commence tryouts the week of March 25 for girls with birth years from 2017-2007. Register @ https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/420439
Team tryout dates and times to be provided shortly. Please contact us at hamiltonwildcatsfc@gmail.com to learn more about team opportunities and open sessions through March.
Leaders in Girls Travel Soccer
The Hamilton Wildcats are the leading all-female travel soccer club in the area. In partnership with the Hamilton Girls Soccer Club and NJ Rush, the Wildcats provide a complete soccer experience for girls ages 5 to 19.
Our girls travel soccer program includes:
- Professional Team Trainers
- Entry in up to 4 tournaments
- Participation in Monmouth Ocean Soccer Association (MOSA) League
- Participation in a state cup competition
- Professional Goalkeeper Training
- Winter training or league stipend
Wildcat teams are known throughout the area for providing strong competition and great sportsmanship. We strive to be a model club and are continuously improving our programs. We have won championships in virtually every league and tournament in the area. Nearly all of our players go on to play in high school and even college.
In addition to our Wildcat travel soccer teams, we also host a variety of programs and development clinics, many of which are FREE. We also offer several paid programs during the winter.

Latest News In Girls Travel Soccer
Hamilton Wildcats 2024-2025 Tryouts
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER *Online registration for all tryouts is REQUIRED • Registration is now open – there is no cost to tryout. The Wildcats are always looking to identify and develop new players. Circumstances change throughout the season and new spots do become available from time to time. If you are interested in joining…
Frequently Asked Questions
When it comes to preparing for game day, there are basically 4 categories of things you need to take care of:
- Documentation
- Money
- Equipment
- First Aid Kit
There are a few pieces of documentation that you need to PRINT and have with you at all times. Electronic copies of all of these things should be stored in the Team Documentation folder of your TeamSnap media folder for easy access. It is recommended that you get a binder or a folder and keep all of this material together.
- US Club Player & Coach Passes – Printed, cut & laminated
- Official SJGSL Roster – Printed
- Player Medical Releases – Printed
- Field Permits for Veteran’s Park and Grice Middle School – Printed
For SJGSL games, you will also need to bring the following:
- 2 copies of the game card printed from Got Soccer
To print your game card from got soccer, you need to visit Got Soccer at www.gotsoccer.com and login with your team credentials. Once you have entered your team’s main area, do the following:
- Click on Events in the top menu
- Select the event that you want to print game cards for (such as “South Jersey Girls Soccer League – FALL 2018”)
- Click on the Schedule tab
- Click on the PDF Link to the left of the schedule rows which has the game number (ex: #1814)
- Print 2 copies of this for each game.
You will usually need to bring money to pay the referees. This applies to SJGSL games, State Cup, SJ Cup and almost every league. The fees for referees will vary by league so be sure to find out ahead of time. Generally, you do not need to pay for referees at tournaments.
In SJGSL, the Total Referee Fees are as follows. You will pay half of this fee each game (with a few exceptions):
- 7v7 (U8 – U10) – $40 per game –> you pay $20
- 9v9 (U11 – U12) – $90 per game –> you pay $45
- 11v11 (U13 – U14) – $120 per game –> you pay $60
- 11v11 (U15 – U16) – $140 per game –> you pay $70
- 11v11 (U17+) – $160 per game –> you pay $80
In SJGSL, the HOME team can be required to pay the Total Referee Fees in the event that game cannot begin because the game field is not playable according to the referee.
The equipment that you bring with you depends on where you are playing. For home games, you will need to bring additional gear. Let’s start with AWAY GAMES:
- Portable bench (if none is available at field)
- Ball Pump
For HOME games, you need everything that you need for away games, plus the following:
- 2 Quality Game Balls
- 1 Set of Corner Flags (4 flags)
- Key to unlock goals (or confirmation that they will be unlocked)
First Aid Kit
Every team should have a well-stocked first-aid kit on hand for all activities. Band aids, antiseptic creams, latex gloves, gauze, etc.. are all things that you need to have on hand. You can pickup a decent kit at any pharmacy or sporting goods store.
A very common question that we get is “what should a player pack for games?”. Before you pack up for your soccer activity, consider a few things:
- Where am I going?
- How long am I going to be gone?
- What is the weather going to be while I am gone?
Where you are going matters. If we are going to an open field with no protection from wind, it could be colder. An indoor turf field will be hot. Near the beach could be windier. You get the idea.
How long you are going to be out in the elements matters too. It’s okay to be a bit cold for 20 minutes, but if you are going to be outside for 7 hours and its 30 degrees out, you better have some cold gear.
Consider the weather wear you are going. Keep in mind that you might arrive at a field at 7 am and it could be 30 degrees and damp out, but by game time it could be 80 and dry.
Alright, enough already, what should I bring for practices?
- Wildcats Practice T-Shirt
- Shin Guards
- Cleats
- Hair Tied Back
In Your Bag:
- #4 or #5 Ball, properly inflated
- Water (minimum 1 quart)
- Sweatshirt/Hoodie/Jacket
- Hats/Gloves
- Practice Pinney
- Goalkeeper Gloves (if applicable)
- 2 Extra Hair Ties
- Medical Supplies (epi-pen, inhaler, etc)
- Pre-Wrap/Tape/Braces
- Chapstick
- Tissues
- Hand Towel
What should I bring for games?
- Black Shorts
- Maroon Socks
- Assigned Jersey (White or Maroon – You must bring both to every game though)
- Shin Guards
- Cleats
- Hair Tied Back
In your bag:
- Whichever jersey you are NOT wearing
- #4 or #5 Ball, properly inflated
- Water (minimum 2 quarts)
- Sweatshirt/Hoodie/Jacket
- Hats/Gloves
- Blanket
- Practice Pinney
- Goalkeeper Gloves (if applicable)
- 2 Extra Hair Ties
- Medical Supplies (epi-pen, inhaler, etc)
- Pre-Wrap/Tape/Braces
- Chapstick
- Tissues
- Hand Towel
- Thermal Base Layer
- Extra Soccer Socks
- Dry Socks / Dry T-Shirt
What about tournaments?
Tournaments are just like games except you will have multiple games to play. This means you will need extra supplies for things that you will go through (like water). You are also going to need supplies for the time before and between games (which can be substantial).
For tournaments, bring everything that you would bring for a game, PLUS:
- Folding Chair(s)
- Umbrellas
- Blankets
- Sunglasses
- Plenty of Food/Drinks
- Mobile phone for TeamSnap alerts and pictures
- Money for tournament swag
Great, I have all of my stuff, now what should a player pack?
You might be tempted to simply shove it all in that backpack and be done with it. Please don’t do that. Follow some of our pro tips below to make sure that your child is ready to go in any situation.
Pro Tip #1 – The Zip Lock Bags
Get yourself a dozen gallon size zip lock bags. Label each bag – Jerseys, Socks, Under Armour, Shorts, Practice T’s, Hats/Gloves, etc.. Place your organized items into the zip lock bags, suck the air out of them and zip them up. You now have space saving, weather-proof storage for all of your items. Throw all of the zip lock bags into your soccer backpack and you are ready to go.
Why this is awesome you ask? Three reasons. First, it makes things easy and quick to find inside the backpack. Second, and more importantly, this will reduce the amount of laundry you have to do. The zip lock bags also protect clothing from picking up the wet-grass smell that they otherwise would. Third, it protects your gear from those leaky water bottles.
Pro Tip #2 – The Garbage Bag
Put a 30 gallon garbage bag in your backpack. If it starts to rain, you can throw your whole backpack into the garbage bag to keep it dry. If it doesn’t rain, you could always do some community service and clean up the park.
Pro Tip #3 – Extra Socks
Get extra socks for tournaments. After your first game, if your socks get wet you are looking at blisters if you don’t get out of them. And guess what? It sucks to try to put wet soccer socks back on for that second game. They never go on right and you will get blisters. Having a second pair of dry socks (from your zip lock bag) will be your life saver!
Learning how to manage team documentation is not as simple as it sounds. Getting team documentation in order is a daunting task. There is no easy way to say this. You are going to regret signing up for this job.
The first thing you need to do is gather player and coach documents
You will need the following items for each player:
- Birth Certificate – PDF file (less than 2 MB) named
– -birth.pdf - US Club Medical Release – PDF file (less than 2 MB) named
– -medical.pdf (download the blank form) - Headshot Photo – JPG or PNG file (less than 2 MB) name
– .jpg
Headshot photos should be good resolution photos that have been cropped square. They should be taken on a light color, neutral background. Here are some examples:
Next, you will create/update your rosters in Sports Engine (KYCK)
Sports Engine is the system that we use for obtaining player and coaching passes from US Club Soccer. In order to receive a card, you will need to add a photo, birth certificate and medicate release for each player. Coaches will need to upload a photo, provide basic contact information and submit to a background check.
You should have received an email from Sports Engine prompting you to log in and setup your account. If you do not have a Sports Engine account, contact the club registrar.
You need to maintain 2 rosters in Sports Engine:
- Primary Roster
- SJGSL Season Roster
Important: Be sure that each roster shows a fully cleared player /coach (which includes a photo, birth certificate, jersey number & medical release)
Then, submit the request to have your players and coaches passes issued
Once you have provided all of required photos and documentation for all of your players and coaches, contact the club registrar and request that passes be created for your team. Passes will take anywhere from 1-3 weeks for players and 2-4 weeks for coaches.
Important: Once your passes are created, you will need to put the 7 digit pass ID for each player and coach into TeamSnap and into Got Soccer.
Next, create/update your roster in Got Soccer
Got Soccer is the system that SJGSL uses for scheduling and rostering. You will need to maintain two rosters here:
- Primary Roster
- SJGSL Season Roster
Important: Be sure that each roster shows a fully cleared player / coach (which includes a photo and the US Club 7 digit ID)
In addition to these two rosters, you may also need to maintain tournament rosters here. Most tournaments use Got Soccer as well.
Jump over to TeamSnap and get your roster situated there too.
TeamSnap is the system that the Wildcats use for just about everything. Your players should already all be in TeamSnap, but their photos will not be. Please upload player photos into TeamSnap.
Important: Be sure that you have supplied the US Club ID on each player and coach on your roster.
Store a copy of your official US Club Roster and your player/coach passes
The best place to keep a copy of your official US Club Roster and your player and coach passes is right inside TeamSnap. Use the media section of the app and store your files there for easy access.
How to Become a Coach
A lot of people wonder how to become a coach for a girls travel soccer team. It’s really not that complicate and it involves just 3 important steps:
1. Get Your Coaching License
In order to coach girls travel soccer in New Jersey, you need to have a license. You may obtain any of the following licenses:
- NJYS “F” License (sign up)
- NJYS “E” License (sign up)
- USSF “E” License
- USSF “Grass Roots” or higher (sign up)
- South Jersey Soccer Leagues Level 1 License or higher (sign up)
Important: Once you obtain a PDF copy of your license, you need to send a copy of it to the club registrar and you need to supply a copy of it to SJGSL by following the instructions on their website.
2. Complete the US Club Staff Registration
You must complete the detailed staff registration steps which are documented on the US Club Soccer Website.
- Complete your safe sport training and obtain master PDF certificate (after completing all 3 sections).
- Complete your sideine sports doc training and obtain PDF certificate.
- Complete the background screening request
- Forward for background screening results to club registrar and request that a coach’s pass be created.
3. Submit Expense Reimbursement
There are fees associated with the online training and background screening. Please pay these fees and then submit a reimbursement request to the club treasurer. You can find the reimbursement request form on our parent resources page.
Hopefully, this was a good explanation of how to become a coach for a girls travel soccer team.
Important: If you haven’t already done it, you also will need to register as a staff member on our website. Please visit the Staff Registration page.
Besides the program fees (which vary based on age group), there are some additional costs that you may encounter. You should talk with your coach to find out which expenses might apply to your specific team:
- Uniforms – About $100 every odd-year Fall season
- Player Equipment – Ball, cleats, shin guards, clothing, etc..
- Travel expenses such as gas, tolls, hotels, etc…
- Additional tournament fees
- Winter program fees
- Fan gear
We encourage our teams to build a culture of inclusion and friendship through off-field activities. You may also choose plan for miscellaneous expenses that may come up such as team pizza parties or similar.
The Wildcats are actually one of the most affordable programs in the area. Similar clubs charge well over $1000 and provide less value. Here is what we provide for your annual fees:
- Up to 12 sessions per season (Fall & Spring) with a paid trainer to guide the development of your players and support the parent coaches
- Enrollment in 4 tournaments (2 Fall and 2 Spring)
- Weekly goal keeper training during the Spring and Fall seasons for all players who are interested
- Registration with South Jersey Girls Soccer League
- Registration with NJ Youth Soccer
- Referee fees for the season
- Fields, club activities and club administration
- A stipend to help pay for any winter activities the team does
Some teams may choose to do additional activities (such as another tournament or a winter league). There may be additional costs associated with this.
Uniforms are not included in the registration fees. They cost about $100.
- Visit our website: https://www.secure-sam.com/www.hamiltonwildcatsfc.com/sam/registration/login.php
- Click on the “Register Now” button
- If you already have an account, log in. If you need to create a new account, follow the “Create Account” process and then proceed.
- Fill out the Parent/Guardian information & click the continue button.
- Select which child you want to register. If no children are listed, select “someone else” to create a new child profile and click the continue button.
- Select the program that you wish to register for. Note tryouts are done by birth year, but the Wildcats do allow players to “play up”. You will need to register separately for each category that you want to try out for.
- Fill out the player information and click the continue button.
- Upload a photo (headshot only) and a copy of your child’s birth certificate and click continue.
- Review and accept the waivers and disclosures
- Repeat steps 5-9 for any additional children or programs that you wish to register for or click “Continue Registration”
- Click “Continue to Payment Method” – note there are no fees for tryouts.
- Click “Confirm Registration” to complete your registration
Once your daughter is offered a spot on one of our teams, you will have a short time to discuss the offer with your child and family and make a decision about whether or not to accept the offer. If you choose to accept, you will be asked to login to your member account and accept the offer, electronically sign the code of conduct and medical waivers, pay a deposit and setup a payment plan for the remainder of your fees. In addition, you may also need to provide a current photo of your child as well as an electronic copy of their birth certificate as required by the state. Please recognize that accepting a place on one of our teams is a binding commitment that lasts for an entire year (from August 1st to July 31st) and that by accepting a place on the team, you are taking a spot from another potential player.
The Wildcats are committed to providing a fair and equal opportunity to earn a spot on a team to all interested players who register and show up for tryouts. To that end, the following guidelines are observed:
- Each age group will have at least 2 open tryouts.
- Players who require additional evaluation may be invited back for a third session.
- To be considered for a team, players must attend a minimum of one session.
- Players are evaluated by the club trainers based on their skills, knowledge, attitude and physical conditioning.
- The trainers will work with the coaches to select a competitive and well-balanced team in each age group
- Initial offers will be made to players within 2 days of the completion of the tryout period. In some cases, it could be as long as a week before you hear anything.
- Players are requested to wear team-neutral attire. Returning Wildcat players should not wear their normal training shirts. Players interested in joining from other clubs are also requested not to wear their clubs attire.
In most cases, if you haven’t heard anything back from the Wildcats, it means that we are still in the process of forming a team and your daughter is still under consideration. It could also mean that we have the incorrect contact information for you and we have been trying to reach you. In either case, we encourage you to reach out to our director of coaching to get an update.
Our goal is to have all offers made and accepted within a week of the final tryout date. If for any reason we are not able to meet that goal, we will do our best to communicate openly and honestly to every player whether they are selected to a team or not.
All tryout registrations must be done through our website. When tryouts open for registration, we will send an email out to our membership and target community encouraging players to register promptly. We will also use other mechanisms available within Hamilton Township to communicate that registration is open. Tryout registration will open in January and there is no cost to tryout for our teams.
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Visit Our Girls Travel Soccer Partners

The Hamilton Girls Soccer Club is our recreational soccer affiliate, offering Spring and Fall soccer programs for girls ages 5 to 18.